SEFE Energy

European localisation for B2B Energy Supplier

SEFE Energy is the second-largest energy provider in the UK. It provides gas, electricity, and sustainable energy to businesses throughout Europe. 

SEFE Energy is the sales arm of SEFE, which stands for Securing Energy for Europe. SEFE plays a central role in the stability of the energy supply in Europe, supplying over 50,000 customers in various European markets. Formerly owned by GazProm, SEFE was almost born overnight in 2022 and is fully owned by the Federal Government of Germany. SEFE is active in trading & portfolio management, sales, transportation, and storage of energy, and supplies over 50,000 customers in various European markets. 

Laptop device showing changing pages of the energy company website

The Challenge 

As a result of the company being effectively closed and reborn under new ownership, we were asked to quickly step in and provide the new European SEFE Energy team ,based in the UK, with digital support. We had a lot to learn and implement in a relatively short period of time. The business was also keen to maximise digital more for their new business enquiries and customer service delivery, both of which were significantly expensive to resource in terms of direct phone calls and emails.


Before: SEFE website

heatmaps view document

Heatmaps view

The Solution 

We immediately sprang into action, initially supporting SEFE’s existing websites and then creating new ones for the UK and Dutch operations.

SEFE Energy now benefit from a robust and flexible Umbraco solution, supported by a tailored Azure hosting solution. 

Key features include multilingual delivery, integrated A/B testing and personalisation. The solution is built on a very flexible and modular platform, giving the team at SEFE Energy significant control, and the ability to professionally expand the core site design when needed.

The design addresses many of the concerns about customer service delivery, using flexible FAQ modules to help reduce the burden of inbound contacts for the customer service team.

The Result 

We were able to move quickly and successfully supported SEFE Energy with their transition. This was a complex time for the team at SEFE Energy, and we stood with them and supported the process at all key levels, from infrastructure and security, through to design and technical support.

We'd love to talk to you about ways we could help your business 

Element78 has been using market-leading UX software to enable our client's opportunities of increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty by opening effective ways of engaging with their users. Using this software is a cost-effective way of getting customer insights and behavioural data from your website. Please get in touch, if you'd like to discuss how we could do this for you.


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